中大物理系榮譽學士,親考DSE Compulsory maths + M2 全取5**,十年經驗,1對1私人教授或小組上課,創立網上教學平台,學生多升讀本地或英國一級學府如港大,中大,科大,Imperial College London 等, Physics , maths
M教學進修 / 補習Martin Tong

International Supplier of Architectural Products and Service
j商業 / 建築及建造jebgreater

屋宇設備工程,室內空氣質素,節能環保,空氣及水處理,噪音及震動處理,實驗室服務,工地現場檢測及評估等。 Building Services Engg., IAQ, Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Air & Water and Noise & Vibration Treatment, Lab & Site Measurement, etc.

腦爸打 – 手機應用程式開發團隊 Mobile Application Development (MAD) Team 致力為大眾 開發不同應用層面的手機程式 (Apps)或娛樂遊戲。
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫腦爸打 – 手機應用程式開發團隊

YumGuard 限時優惠$13.5(原價$18) 四盒$50 !!! 口味 天然雞肉木瓜 天然雞肉雜莓 天然吞拿魚南瓜 天然吞拿魚菠蘿 建議用法 供6月大以上貓咪用 小型貓:每日1至2包 中型貓:每日2至3包 產品資料 14g x 6 保質期: 24個月 產地: 泰國 產品介紹 神奇的小球藻原料 貓醬條配方與肉醬小食均添加優質澳洲天然 小球藻原料 小球藻含有獨特的小球藻生長因
C寵物 / 寵物食品及用品Cat自家繁殖

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寵物 / 寵物轉讓Graceful cattery

您好,我們是聯捷顧問新加坡公司 我們的一站式服務有: 註冊新加坡公司(網上辦理) 公司/個人銀行開戶(視頻開戶) 公司註冊地址/掛名本地董事 會計/報稅/秘書服務 申請EP/PR 移民諮詢 聯繫我們: WhatsApp:+6593807956 (李先生) WeChat : SGinterconnect Website : https://sginterconnect.com/


iPhone/iPad application design

Business operations are very complicated today impelling specific application functions and features becoming more and more demanding. Nevertheless, ready-made software applications may not fulfill a

[About Us] The Zymmetry Group provides innovative global sourcing, manufacturing, and factory floor applications that improve efficiency, increase control, and enable flexible analysis throughout the

會計服務 Accounting Services: 1. Bookkeeping. 會計入賬. 2. Preparation of financial statements (monthly/ quarterly/ annual), AR, AP, Cashflow Statement. 編制財務報表 (月度、季度及年度財務賬目), 應收賬款, 應付賬款,現金流量表. 3. Financi
商業 / 會計及稅務chrischoy77

.Our goal is providing high quality and the most comprehensive services to help corporations or investors exploit their business at home or abroad. .L F Z visa extension .Business registration .Work/

Immanuel Consulting Limited provides professional services including establishment of business presence in Hong Kong and China; companies formation in different jurisdictions; corporate compliance to
I商業 / 顧問Immanuel Consulting Limited

全職商科教師, 逾10年私人補習、校內及補習社教班經驗, 曾到著名Investment Bank 及跨國金融公司工作, 有HR、會計及Finance相關的工作經驗
, MBA, 學生包括本地傳統名校生、國際學校學生、大學商學院學生、外國留學生、現職會計及金融從業員等, 更有學生於考試穫取佳積, 得Oxford、Cambridge、HKU等著名大學取錄
C教學進修 / 補習Creissant

We specialize in small batch special vehicles (e.g. tank truck, mixing truck, garbage truck, sanitation truck, sewage trucks, flatbed truck, freezer truck etc.)

We are solution provider which have the following project experience: - HR solution - Ordering system - Account system - ERP solution - Software engineering - System design and implementation Please c
S手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫System Application

most of the car distributors' maintenance workshops are located. equipped with a full size spay/baking room which is utilized by many tuning companies within Hong Kong.
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